
112 The Giant Clockwork of Chronos

The New Testament teaches us that currently this world is under the rule of Satan, the "god of this world (or age)," along with his "rulers of the darkness of this world."

What is it that rulers do? They determine by what laws and standards their realm will be governed.

Two of those standards by which the "powers that be" have determined to rule this present world are time and money. Both will apparently come to an end, in contrast to the values that God wants to convey to those who are governed by His standards, and consider their Home His eternal Kingdom, where His rules and standards are what count.

The big disadvantage - as far as we're concerned - about God's standards and values is that we can't see them nor touch them. They require faith in order to be perceived, which is one of the rules He established for the members of His club, those who want to play the game according to His rules, and on His side. Some people are simply incapable of that, or at least not willing to adhere to that rule of faith. They totally and exclusively rely on the visible and tangible stuff around them.

Now it so happens that God has placed enough information in the visible things He made all around us, so that we can still perceive the fingerprints and evidence of His existence in His creation, but those who deny the existence of the invisible also refuse to acknowledge that evidence. In order to successfully convince themselves and others of their dogma of denial, they come up with concoctions of their own imagination such as the widely taught theory of Evolution, which, coincidentally, is being fed, nourished and upheld by nothing else but those same two major values that distinguish the rule and government of this present world: time and money.

According to the theory of Evolution, the one factor that makes it possible for the innumerable miracles to have happened that brought forth every species from nothing via mutation is an unfathomable amount of time: "billions of years." And the one factor that makes millions, if not billions of people acknowledge that teaching as fact, is an unfathomable amount of money that flows into the science apparatus in order to create more "evidence" from virtually nothing: a jawbone here, and thighbone there, and lots of elaborate words and articles in National Geographic or Der Spiegel, along with the televised versions of the same for an increasingly illiterate public; and a whole new reality has been created, a mental conditioning with its own set of laws of "the survival of the fittest" that has been governing most of our globe for the past century and a half, consequently showering it with unprecedented amounts of suffering and violence.

The giant clockwork of Chronos is keeping the enslaved massed in check and dancing according to its tune: "Welcome to the Machine!"

For those who don't feel as comfortable or at home with that construct as evidently a large part of Civilization does, there is, thankfully, an alternative. You see, time and money haven't always been the yardstick that measures everything. There was - and still is, in the presently unseen world which envelops our physical realm - a time in which people would not have to rush through their lives chasing after paper money. In fact, some people on this planet still manage to live by that time in spite of the rat race going on around them.

God's time, the stuff of which Eternity is made, is a different scope than the clock-ticking pace and rhythm that the slaves of Mammon dance to.

And there's that other shred of news about this whole issue:

According to the Book of Revelation, the time we're currently living under is going to come to an end.

Oh, and so will money, by the way, most unfortunately for some.

Like all fairy-tales, illusions, or faulty operating systems, the gospel of time and money must also come to an end.

Only the Real Thing is going to last.

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