
188 The Creation Message: Keep Hanging In There!

Probably not only to the vast majority of scientists, but also to most adherents of modern science, which includes the majority of the world's population, would consider the creation account of the Book of Genesis outrageous and a downright slap in the face of all that is currently regarded as science.
And, granted, it is a little bit hard to believe. Once you get over the 6-days factor, you still have this seemingly insurmountable obstacle: "You mean to tell me that the earth was just hanging there for 3 days in the nothingness of empty space, and that God actually created all plant life on it before He even created the sun and the rest of the stars, as in, the rest of the matter of all the billions of galaxies in the universe?"

I admit, it sounds totally outrageous. Picture the earth, trees and grass and bushes and all, circling around the spot where tomorrow the sun is going to be...

Very absurd indeed.

But then, so is the notion of anyone walking on water, raising folks, including Himself, from the dead, healing the blind from birth, turning water into wine, feeding thousands from a few loaves and fishes, etc., etc., etc.

The God of the Bible is either the greatest story teller and liar in the universe, or He's definitely capable of a few stunts that leave the rest of us speechless, including creating universes in very unorthodox manners. Obviously, the vast majority of my fellowmen subscribe to the former of these two options. And I can hardly blame them. It takes a lot of faith to believe this account, so contrary to all that 99.999% of all other existing books on the topic of our origins tell us. It takes faith that can only be acquired by the life-long experience that everything else that is said in that outrageous and most disputed of all books - the Bible - actually works.
Of course, few have ever had the courage to try to find out whether these things work. They don't mind listening to some well chosen portions of it once a week, and amazingly enough, that already seems to be doing the trick of getting them through the rest of the week.
But as someone who can testify first hand by 30 years of experience that God really keeps His Word when He promises that if we would seek first the interests of His Kingdom, then He would give us all the things we need for life, like food and clothing for free (see Matthew 6:33), along with a host of His other Promises, it's also not entirely impossible to believe that the first chapter of the Book I based my life on is also more than just (non-science) fiction.

I admit, though, I've had my disputes with the Boss about it, and have sometimes asked Him, "How on earth could You? I mean, couldn't You just have had the decency to please create this universe in some sort of orthodox, well-received and politically correct manner, instead of defying all that could be summed up as human common sense and having the audacity to bluntly contradict all of the sum of our combined wisdom and knowledge?"

What I got in response was something along the lines that just like everything in nature, the creation of earth was also some sort of actual, physical metaphor or example of a much greater spiritual truth. The sort of thing I'm going on about at length in my attempt at an eBook, "The Deeper Meaning of Everything."

So, what sort of deep, mystical spiritual truth is the story of the creation of planet earth supposed to bear for us, what sort of deeper significance, parable or lesson is there to learn from it?

Basically, it is: "Keep hanging in there!"

Humans are frantic little beings, and even the term "beings" already implies that they've got to be frantically occupied with ensuring their own little existence, lest by the slightest little pause of all their frantic activities and incessant efforts to keep themselves alive they should bring upon their heads the end of the world as we know it. And so we feverishly work and work and work in order to artificially keep ourselves alive, only to sooner or later wind up in a coffin despite all our feverish efforts, and getting our planet a lot closer a lot sooner to that dreaded end than we might have if we would have paused long enough to think, or better: pray.

We think we've just gotta make it happen.

What God is saying by His outrageous statement of just letting the earth hang there by itself is: "Wrong!"

- We are not the ones who make it happen. He is.

We always worry that whatever we have is not going to be enough. We worry that the money we have is not going to be enough, and that the food we have is not going to be enough, and the space we have is not going to be enough.

Our remedy is then liquidating our rivals: all those useless eaters who don't work as hard as we do on "making it happen," and who just threaten to occupy our living space, eat away our food , breathe away our air, and present a danger to our own survival.

What God is trying to tell us by His outrageous statement in having had the audacity of creating planet earth before the rest of the universe is that despite all our frantic worrying, the fact remains that He is enough.
All it ever took and will take to keep each and everyone of us breathing and alive is His power, totally regardless of all our feverish efforts.
He can ensure life on our planet with or without our help, and the course of history is on its best way to prove that the way we're going about it, is not going to work.

If we think we're going to be able to save ourselves with our annual trillion dollars worth of highly sophisticated weapons, we're utterly mistaken.
It will probably turn out that it would have been better off never having done anything at all, instead of spending this outrageous amount of time, effort, manpower and tax money (yes, that's right: yours and mine) on the investment in technology with the one purpose of murdering our fellow humans.

So, who are we to tell God how He ought to have created His universe?

Oh, I forgot. We don't really believe in Him, so it's not really His. It's ours. We think.
So we can do with it whatever we want, including blowing it to Smithereens.

Maybe we're actually mistaken. Not only about how earth came into being, but also about our rights to treat this place the way we do, in other words: its destruction.

One reason for my audacity to prefer to believe the biblical account of creation,is that mankind has thus far utterly failed to convince me of their supposedly oh-so superior intelligence and smartness.

I can tell by their actions that there must be something dreadfully dumb about them.

So how are they going to tell me that they know better than God about how this planet came into being?

I've found by experience that God is a good Friend. I mean goood. He doesn't lie. He doesn't try to impress you by His stunts to convince you how much cooler He is than you. He's a real Pal. I can't say He disappointed me ever, not once. Sure, we have our disagreements, occasionally, but He always manages to get me to see His point sooner or later.

And I can't say the same thing about people.

People lie. People are extremely deceived, especially when it comes to themselves and their supposed omniscience and infallibility.

It turns out that if I want something to really hang my life on, something to fully trust, I'm better off with the invisible nature of God, and that apparent nothingness my life revolves around than all the rah-rah and ado of my 7 billion fellowmen put together.

I may be very much alone in my opinion... on the surface.

But something - or rather, Someone - keeps telling me, that if I just hang in there a little bit longer, I won't be alone that much longer. All of a sudden, there are going to be billions of bright shining lights all around me, confirming that I was right in putting my trust in "Mr. Invisible" after all.

Jesus Himself was left alone in the dark of the heart of the earth for three days, obviously on His mission to preach to the "spirits in prison." But He didn't have to go on for very long down there in that darkness.

Maybe God just needs a three days' break every now and then to show us what He can do if we just dare to trust Him long enough that He was right, after all, contrary to all the gazillions of voices who claim to know better.

So, if you ever feel you're totally alone and forsaken, hanging out there in sheer nothingness, and not knowing what to make of it, just keep hanging in there! Chances are, you're not the first one in history who's had to go through this experience.

Chances are, the very same thing happened, once upon a time, not all too long ago, though, to a planet called Earth...


187 Salute to the Younger Generation from Neanderthal

Some young folks seem to be wondering about us, the older generation of their parents, those survivors from the 60s and 70s, how on earth we ever managed to get this old and make it this far around, I mean, being such losers and all, with our loser hair-cuts, our loser clothes, and why, we didn't even have cell phones back then, no ipods or computer games.

To be honest, sometimes I wonder myself how on earth I managed to ever get this old. Especially since we were lacking a few other things our younger generation touts, such as their undying self-confidence, not doubting for a second that the world is theirs for the asking or less, a snap of the fingers, along with the solid assurance that they have all the time in the world, and why, by the time they're going to be really old, like in their 30s, they might have even invented some stuff to enable them to live forever...

We didn't have any of that, since we were always scared stiff that the inventions of our parents' generation were going to see to it that the world was going to come flying around our ears any day. The only dweebs who thought that time was on their side in our generation were the Rolling Stones.

So, I guess the secret of our survival against all these odds was that we simply made do with what we had. We were more or less happy for what each day brought, because, well, it may have well been our last, and we didn't miss any ipods or cell phones or gameboys because we never even knew you needed to have these things in order to survive. As they say, sometimes ignorance is bliss.

I'm afraid we did have a few qualities, which, granted, may have been a little antiquated (since we were still way back on the first few steps of evolution compared to that quantum leap of enlightenment we all experienced during the first decade of the 21st century), such as that ancient thing called appreciation (I'm sure it's not even in the dictionary anymore), and oh, yes, that one was really a joke: we called it respect.

We didn't even know what it meant back then, but when you looked at someone, you didn't immediately see the loser in them, but a howbeit primitive, but nonetheless human being, and we gave them the benefit of the doubt. They may have been different from us - even older, but we somehow gave them a chance to prove themselves to maybe not turn out to be a mega-loser, after all (although the evolution of the word "mega-loser" only set in a decade later, or two, I must admit). In other words, me might have given them a second glance, which, in essence is what re-spect means: "look again!"

Instead of Stalloneian invulnerability and Schwarzeneggerian immortality we had to do with an outdated item called decency.

Somehow, though, the fact that we were missing out on all the qualities that make the new generation so superior managed to perfectly elude us. We didn't even realize.

We somehow managed to exist with only a fraction of the TV channels available to folks today, without all the wonders of hi-tech communication and just resorted to the available, though primitive means of verbal conversation, or even writing letters and such stuff.

Since we had a lot less things, those fewer things somehow meant more to us.

Even such tiny, seemingly irrelevant particles of our world as words still seemed to have a meaning to us - back then, that was, before our politicians enlightened us to the delusion of our ways (since they obviously proved the opposite to be true time and again, namely that words don't really coincide with reality).

Yes, they were strange and bizarre times, and I guess the way most young folks nowadays relate to them was the way that we looked back on the Stone Age.

So, here's a salute to you, the younger generation of the onset of the 21st century, from one of those ancient cavemen: May all your dreams come true, and not turn into nightmares (just as many of our nightmares thankfully did not come true), and may you achieve all your goals. May those who lead you turn out to be truer than those who led us, and may you, too, learn to appreciate what you have, and - perhaps the way we did - despite all that wealth of new knowledge you accumulate, enjoy a little bit of the blissful ignorance occasionally, of all the things future generations will wonder how you managed to survive without; and may you - if possible - remember this one piece of advice from a 20th century Neanderthal man:

"It's not having what you want, but wanting what you have" that counts.


186 The Straw That Broke the Camel's Back

I've been thinking a bit more about James Cameron and his apparently opposing stance toward Christianity, as conveyed through his last two motion pictures, and - although I don't know much about his ideological background - thought I'd have to say a few more things in his defense and perhaps of others like him:

The keyword is Bush. What makes the whole matter of trying to save the face of Christianity a Sisyphus task is the fact that George Bush claimed to be a Christian (whether he still does is irrelevant, since his decisions do no longer determine the lives and deaths of millions)., and posed as one of Christianity's most stout defenders and protagonists.

I'm just wondering whether we, as Christians, should just willingly accept any type of famous personality and figure of power to speak for all of us, when a little bit of healthy discernment might have easily alarmed us that something about his actions did not jibe with his words (much as is the case with the current President, but without all the embarrassing pseudo-religious ado about it).

Now, Christianity already had bad cards in the eyes of a largely brainwashed public who's been hearing and reading the same old stuff about the crusades, the inquisition, Catholic child abuse, weird Christian cults, etc., etc. for decades, but George Bush was just about the straw that broke the camel's back. (The camel being Christianity's image in the world).

Anybody with half a brain and enough wits to put two and two together could figure out that if Christianity was the religion that someone like George Bush professed to be a champion of, then it had to be the epitome of evil.

I mean, who wants to go to Heaven with the prospect of folks like that up there, right?

The other problem being that the vast majority of Christians worldwide swallowed the bait and believed all the books that came out about how George Bush was the man who brought faith into the White House, etc.

But as I have stated before, Christians often make the grave mistake of underestimating their Enemy. It would never occur to them to what lengths the Devil goes in order to fool them, not until it's way too late.

The camouflage is so perfect, that some now even see him as the good guy, and Obama as the bad guy who wrecked the country since he's in office, when there is really no difference at all between Bush and Obama, except that Obama can do without all the Pseudo-Christian ado...

God is not the author of confusion, but the other guy, who is the author of confusion, is doing a magnificent job here. Though it doesn't really take brains as much as sticking to what Jesus said and a little bit of the Holy Ghost to be able to look through the facade. That again, is a price too high to pay for most believers. And as long as that's the case, there will always be folks like James Cameron who will come across a lot more like the good guys than all those gun-totin' "Christians."

The problem is they haven't recognized their real enemy, and while they're staring into the high noon sun, struttin' out into the street to lay down their supposed opponent with one swift blow from the hip, their real enemy is shooting them in the back from the roof... Having learned nothing from a century of Hollywood tutoring...

Instead of spending trillions on blasting third world countries back to Kingdom come, they should have invested a little more in the sort of weaponry that really makes a difference: the white-hot sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God, and some of those gifts of the Spirit like discernment, and some live communication with their true Commander-In Chief, Who could have told them that the phoney they're sacrificing their sons for is a fake...

By their fruits ye shall know them. And the sad testimony in all this is, that those who don't share our faith sometimes have greater discernment and a better sense to distinguish between good fruit and a rotter than we do.

Here's a link to an article from 2008 that paints a different picture than the icon of "St. George W." we're all supposed to fall for:

Anybody can say they're "saved." - So did Charles Manson. What greater damage could a Satanist inflict on the body of Christianity than to pretend that He loves Jesus?

Let's face it: More than once in history has the Devil availed himself of "Christians"...

There are some friends you wouldn't want to have. Even if they were the President of the United States of America!

P.S.: George Bush has managed to unite probably 80 or 90 percent of Christendom under a universal label and umbrella of stupidity.
The rest of the clear thinking world adrift in the valley of indecision came to conclude: If this is what Christianity stands for, then long live atheism, Paganism, occultism, Buddhism, whatever-ism, as long as it's not this schism!

Perhaps that's what Jesus meant by "The children of this world are in their generation wiser than the children of light" (Luke 16:8).
The good thing - as in the one glimpse of hope - about it is that He is going to use it to prove that even our ignorance combined with His power is going to be more than all the Devil can muster up, that He may get all the glory!


185 9/11 - Old Hat or Crossroad in History?

Just how much of an issue 9/11 still really is, was shown by the recent incident on the website of the Huffington Post, where the editor had asked former Minnesota Governor Jesse Ventura to contribute an article, but a few hours after having posted it, they took it off-line again. The title of the article: "What Really Happened on September 11?"

Reason: It is against Huffington Post policy to publish "conspiracy theories."

The question I have is, if everybody is only supposed to parrot the official fairy-tale, then why bother to pretend to be any sort of alternative news source at all?

Ventura wasn't just warming up old theories, but reporting of the latest developments in the 9/11 truth movement, and the Huffington Post reaction is a classical example and proof that this whole issue is anything but over yet.

Come on: everybody is going hyper as soon as the slightest "evidence" comes out that might indicate that Jesus of Nazareth, also known as the Christ may not have been crucified, but buried with his wife and uncles in Jerusalem, or that He fathered dozens of kiddies instead...

If everybody is so gung ho to find out what exactly happened nearly 2000 years ago (since they obviously don't want to believe the "official" report on those incidents), then how come nobody could care less about the real backgrounds of the greatest crime in modern history that took place not even 10 years ago?

It just shows that the one thing people like Arianna Huffington couldn't care less about is the truth, unfortunately reflecting the vast majority of her cowardly colleagues of the international press.
The sad and deceptive thing about it is that these people pretend to be sources of new information and "uncovering" what's going on in the world, when nothing could be further from the truth.

They don't mind publishing "conspiracy theories" (formerly known as "inside information") about the "War on Drugs" (the forerunner of the current episode of the War-On Morons, the "War on Terror"), or about who shot Kennedy, but to deny the official fairy-tale that would take away any and all justification for the genocide in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and to some extent, Palestine, that puts you into the same league as "Holocaust Deniers."

It's okay for over a thousand architects and engineers to risk their reputation by demanding a new investigation of 9/11, but obviously newspaper editors fall into a much higher and nobler category of folks (at least in their own opinion).
Personally, it only confirms my own experiences of 3 1/2 decades with the press, and the reason why I don't have any respect for those people anymore at all.
It's just good to know that the Huffington Post can be taken off my list of potentially alternative news sources.

Who needs another episode of "Howling with the wolves?" - Not me!

If you want to sell me something you dare call news, then you'd better give me something better than that average run-off-the-mill hogwash that thousands of journalists around the globe sold their soul for, in exchange for the cheap mess of pottage of seeing their name under some article that says everything they're ever allowed to say in our Orwellian 21st century: absolutely nothing.

It's better not having learned to read at all than to have to wade through such lukewarm hogwash.

184 Why Some Folks Prefer to Have a Monkey for a Grandfather

Furry Ancestors More Likable than Grumpy Christians?

The problem with much of the church is, that it causes much of the rest of the mankind to prefer to seek not only the company, but even relation with the animal world over stiff, self-righteous and dogmatic human behavior, as is portrayed vividly by the statement of the evolutionist Joseph Hooker (one of Darwin's associates) at a scientific debate at Oxford University in 1860, regarding his opponent, Bishop Samuel Wilberforce: "I would rather have a monkey for a grandfather than such as man as this!"

As long as Christians make the rest of the world run to the jungle for solace and the smallest trace of kindness to be found, we will always have bad cards. The greatest tragedy about all this is the fact that Jesus was actually leading the way into that jungle of the basic needs of humanity, but that over the centuries, His followers largely preferred to walk in the footsteps of His enemies, the self-righteous religious Scribes and Pharisees, who were ultimately responsible for His death (since the worldly governor Pilate would have gladly preferred to let Him go).

I'm not writing this on order to repeatedly wave my finger at the churches, but because I still catch myself occasionally displaying Pharisaical behavior toward others with different views and opinions than my own, and if it happens to me, as unorthodox, non-traditional, anti-ritual and marginalized a believer as I am, then I can only figure that woe is us, if we all have such difficulties to really live the essence of what our God stands for (namely love), and keep falling into the traps of the old school of self-righteous religiosity.

Much of the point I'm trying to make throughout this blog is that we, Christians, have to radically adapt our act and behavior toward the rest of the world, if we want to stand a chance to survive what's coming at us.

We need to learn to love our enemies, as Jesus said, instead of killing them.

Otherwise, history will expose the whole lot of us as hypocrites, which has already happened to a lot of our "brethren" from all sorts of denominations throughout time...

We've got to become real and the Real Thing, and start developing a taste for the truth, instead of joining the rest of the Corporate World climbing up its ladder in which each step is a lie that promises us another advantage over our competitors.

We need to learn that Jesus wasn't here to start a business. At least none in which we were supposed to try to outsmart and out-finance each other. We are in a competition, alright, but for souls, not for money, and the guy we're supposedly competing against, is unfortunately sitting right in our living rooms most of the time, instead of hiding out in the desert sand where we suspect him.

We're not going to lick the Devil with his own weapons. A lie was never an efficient cure for another lie.

Lies are the weapons of our opponent that enable him to keep us all hanging in cages above a pitch black bottomless abyss while dwelling in the illusion that we're soaring into a blue sky of freedom with puffy white clouds, birds a-chirping and Britney Spears singing "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" in a school uniform with an extra short skirt.

The only remedy we've got against the global pandemic addiction to Satan's lies is the truth.

And unless we're willing to change our diet from blue pills to red, we're not seriously going to free anyone else, either, but just offer them another cage, another little matrix based on lies with a little bit of truth mixed in for sugar-coating.

Yes, that red pill is going to be bitter. It may even cause you to throw up in the process and shock the hell out of you.

But it's also the only real alternative to the abyss, the emptiness, and the label that is going to stick with us to some extent possibly for the rest of eternity, if we don't choose truth: "Hypocrite!"