
161 Politics of Universal Significance

It takes faith sometimes, not to give in to the overwhelming evidence of our insignificance when not only we are one single, imperfect person among billions of others, but we also know that we live on one tiny planet among hundreds of billions in one galaxy of yet billions...

It certainly defies the odds of a God who loves you, yes you, the way that He only loves you, and so much so, that He would have given His Son for you even if you would have been the only one...

And not only that, but there are other odds that speak as blaring testimonies against God's love, wisdom, if not His very existence, and act as the extended index finger of Satan, the accuser of God and saints alike, waving in His face:

"What about handicapped people? What about all the natural disasters that kill millions? You can blame wars and starvation on humans, but what about that?"

Personally, I have stopped viewing handicapped people as necessarily inferior to myself ever since one stressful afternoon when I came upon a handicapped young person with an expression of heavenly peace and bliss on his face that I never possessed, while I had been fuming and fretting myself through the traffic on a German highway in order to get to my destination.

If nothing else, handicapped people are a perfect illustration of the spiritual state of many of us supposedly so enlightened spiritual children of God. They have often turned out to be more than a blessing and a life-changer (for the better) for those who have had to take care of them, and perhaps have led the one or the other of us to the point where we stopped arguing with God about our personal definitions of "good and evil."

As far as the deaths caused by natural disasters, or even death itself in general, I've come to the point where I'm not so sure at all anymore whether God hadn't spoken the truth, after all, when He warned Adam and Eve that on the day they would eat of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, they would surely die.

Perhaps they didn't die physically. But could it be that the life they lived hence (and the life we have inherited from them since), in God's eyes is actually more comparable to death, than what He calls life?

So, what if death, in that case, wouldn't be the great, terrible evil we all dread so much, and thus, not a curse for those victims of natural disasters, at all, but rather a blessing? (- Tough on those left behind, for sure, but aren't they going to join their loved ones sooner or later, too?)

I know, it sounds outrageous, but I am no more of a writer or theologian than Don Quixote was a knight.

I'm just saying "what if?"

What if God likes to play against the odds?

Some people hate the idea of God "using" anybody, but what if being used by God is actually the best thing that cold ever happen to you? And well, if God doesn't have any scruples about using us, let's have a look at the type of folks he chooses: Not the strong, not the wise, not the glamorous, but the foolish, despised, seemingly weak before the world.

Perhaps all our analyzing and calculating and the sum of all our supposed wisdom here at the peak of Evolution in the 21st century still amounts to nothing more than foolishness (= a joke) with God, and He can still do better with a handful of fools and handicapped than all our heroes and geniuses put together.

Not that He would need to show off His superiority. It's just that we doubt His capabilities altogether.

When we had the choice of "Who would you like to run this place? - God, or yourselves with the assistance of your dear old friend, the Serpent," we fell for the propaganda machine of big empty promises of the Devil (obviously being the better politician) and went for the "Me!!! -- Meeee!!!!! --- Meeeeee!!!!!!" option without hesitation.

And if you'd cast votes again over that right now, which option do you think the majority of our 7 billion would cast in their vote for?

Contrary to the masters of the coming New World Order, which is ultimately going to usher in the “ultimate politician:” the Antichrist, who openly preach the eradication of two thirds of the planet’s population, God seems to value and treasure every life, however seemingly insignificant it may be to us.

The label “politician” applies to Him as much as it would apply to oxygen: invisible, but infinitely more useful and user-friendly.

So, needless to say, although vastly outnumbered, as ever, by a vast, perhaps democratic but thoroughly brainwashed majority, I’ll cast in my vote for the politics of “Universal Significance,” as opposed to the common mindset of “universal insignificance.”

What is there to enjoy, if one cannot anymore enjoy the little things?


160 The Mindset of Insignificance

Sometimes a person struggling in the fight of being a furious voice for the truth against an army, nay a deluge, of lies and lie-blarers can wake up discouraged, wondering, "What the hell am I doing here anyway? What difference on earth am I going to make anyway?"

I call it the "mindset of insignificance" that probably overtakes all of us sometimes.
After all, it's being scientifically drilled into us. They even have a scientific name for it and called in the "Copernican principle" or "principle of mediocrity," a scientific "fact," (as far as its religious devotees are concerned), closely related to the "fact" of Evolution, which is to remind us all daily, and many times throughout every day of our lives of our devastating insignificance in this universe:

After all, each of us represents nothing more than an insignificant conglomeration of chemicals and matter on an equally insignificant spec of dust among hundreds of billions of others in one galaxy among yet hundreds of billions... so they say.

Except that some scientists who refuse to adhere to the dictatorial brainwash of the mainstream scientific community are coming up with arguments that the odds of other "insignificant specs of dust" like our planet to exist in our galaxy aren't as high as the prophets of the Copernican principle like Carl Sagan made them sound to be.

Turns out that our "insignificant spec of dust" holds a few privileges we shouldn't take for granted.

And as far as the tiny, lonely voice for truth against vast majorities is concerned, it wouldn't be the first time that God shows that one man with Him can suffice to defeat he entire opposing army: from Moses to Gideon and David, who hurled the decisive rock against the giant's head that would bring his country's intimidated army back to life, and further on down the line to Elijah, Elisha, Jeremiah and Paul, St. Francis, Luther and Gandhi... little, seemingly insignificant people who won decisive battles against armies of empires that vastly outnumbered them; and it stands to reason that if God did it that way before, who's to tell Him that He can't do it again?

Of course, the ever growing vast majority of modern day Philistines will joke about our God even more profanely nowadays, since they cooked up a literal flood of "scientific" arguments to disprove His existence - a flood that would require an arc to stay afloat and rising above it - and to discourage any insane Don Quixote from any noble ambitions real fast, unless he remains steadfastly ignoring their ceaseless deafening rants....

If the Evolutionists seem to be right about one thing, it's that we do appear to be herd animals, and not many of us are carved out to be sole fighters against an overwhelming majority.
We want our own army on our side and behind us. God alone, due to His unforgivable handicap of invisibility, doesn't seem to be enough for any of us most of the time.

Even folks who have no problems admitting that there is a spirit world with wicked entities in it that manipulate our realm don't have it in them to believe or even accept the idea that perhaps if those wicked and demonic entities exist, there might also be a "good Guy" in that realm somewhere, because that would be religious, and no, they're not religiously inclined.

Demons? Yes. God? No.
No, they also want to see an army of "great awakers" rise behind them to save them and all of mankind out of their own mess. The only way, they seem to reason, we're ever going to overcome the curse of our insignificance, is by amassing so many of us that we're also going to be a flood of "good" people, rising up against the bad people...

Well, I wish to God they were right, and the "Great Awakening" should really happen.
But then what? "Meet the new boss - the same as the old boss?" I think we've heard that tune before...

I think the only "Boss" Who's ever going to make a real and lasting difference is the One Who is trying to prove that a seemingly insignificant spec of dust doesn't necessarily have to be all that insignificant by putting it in its unique position in the first place and by dying for each so seemingly insignificant soul on this planet as if to show that for Him there is no such thing as insignificant.

If you're out for quantity and size, then maybe that's your thing, but the invisible Maker behind the scenes of the universe seems to have a knack for little things and seemingly insignificant details.
We may be dust alright, but when blown and carried into the right position within the light, even a tiny spec of dust can sparkle and shine like a diamond.

Let's see what insignificant piece of rock is going to land our present day Goliaths on their nose while the by-standing armies are going to wonder "Hey, why didn't I sling that thing?..." - Or what unconventional methods God is going to use to prove to us one again that it's "not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit, saith the Lord" (Zec.4:6)

159 Uppercase Truth

There used to be a time when I never thought I could have learned anything from a Catholic.

Perhaps due to the fact that the sample of “Christianity” I had witnessed in my hometown Catholic church drove me into atheism by the age of 10.

But then (quite a few years after having discovered the real Jesus), I came across the writings of the Franciscan Richard Rohr, and found out that God seems to have made exceptions to every rule, and that you can even learn something from a Catholic.

Likewise, I was not expecting any mind-blowing experiences to come out of the atheist camp since my latest experiences with countless comments of the defenders of disbelief on our Youtube channels, or having read what some of their supposedly brightest lights like Richard Dawkins or the Zeitgeist people have to say.

But then again, you never know when God knocks on your door with a surprise, ready to push over all your carefully construed clichés and mental drawers we keep our fellow humans in.

I have found an atheist who is probably a better Christian than I.

And very much unlike most of his fellow unbelievers, he comes forward as a defender of those from the other side or camp of the opposition and writes a book called, “An Atheist Defends Religion: Why Humanity is Better Off with Religion Than Without It.”

If I ever would have had and lost anything like it, I would have said “Bruce Sheiman has restored my faith in humanity.” But since I have long ago decided to place my trust in Someone more trustworthy than my own kind, at least I can say, Bruce, thanks for making my day! – And for reminding me of how a real Christian is supposed to act, seeing the good in the folks on the “other side” and coming forward to put in a good word for them, which is probably a closer version of “loving your enemies” than what the majority of Christendom is coming up with nowadays.

In his book, Bruce Sheiman reminds his readers that while Christianity may not have a snow-white record (as we’re constantly being reminded by those who would love to blast Christianity to hell for its crusades and other crimes of history both past and present), there are nonetheless a lot of decent Christian (or otherwise religious) folks who are doing a lot of good to make this world a better place (and if you ever tried your hand at it, you may know just how tough that attempt can be, especially in the light of the fact that most folks will never give you the credit for it, no matter what you do – just because you’re a believer).

Regardless of those culprits and fakes who have abused religion as a cloak for their less than noble purposes (including in very recent history, such as the previous US administration – without saying the present is any better), as a sum, the impact of (true) religion on the world was a good one, even if many folks may not realize it.

“Historians cannot identify any other cultural force as robust as religion that could have carried civilization along.”

Mostly, though, he points out something that strikes me as purely divine genius, namely that in our drive to discover what he terms “lowercase truth”–facts and knowledge–we have sacrificed “uppercase truth”–meaning and purpose.

In other words, figuring out all the scientific little details about how the universe works may be all fine and good, but not really replace our need for a higher purpose in life than your usual “survival of the fittest” scheme that’s slowly turning our carefully analyzed and dissected planet into living hell for more and more people each day.

He observes that our minds are called to something more than a relative truth…and if moral imperatives do not depend on God then they are not absolute and remain relative. – In other words, we’re not really good at kidding ourselves into accepting any counterfeit, fake “goodness” or standard we’re supposed to live by or strive for. The human souls is desperate to find, and unready to settle for anything less than the Real Thing in the long run.

Pointing out some of the moral advantages of those Christians and believers who actually did get the point of what their religion’s founder had intended, including their quality to respect humans as created in the image of God instead of just another hoard of highly mutated two-legged mammals who must constantly prove to each other who is the strongest, he contends that the world is actually not any worse off because of religion.

One might argue in favor of atheists as civilized and courteous as Mr. Sheiman, that in the light of Jesus’ recommendation to judge a tree by its fruits, the criteria by which He would truly consider a person to be following in His footsteps and worthy of His commendation, regardless of which camp they may profess to belong to (since we live in a world of pretenders, after all), and one way to find out who truly is a “Christian” or a “good person,” we would simply have to look at the way they treat their fellowmen.

And in this aspect, Bruce Sheiman has proven himself worthy of a higher commendation than I would be able to presently grant the majority of my fellow believers, and awakens in me the desire that there were more folks like him around, regardless of whether they share my belief or not.

Atheists who don’t persecute me for my faith make for a truly refreshing change, including from those fellow-believers who persecute me for the differences between my belief system and theirs.

Folks capable of seeing the good in people, even in those from the opposing camp, and even capable of defending them before the world, in my opinion are a greater sample of the kind of love Christ intended for us to live and practice than the attempt to press every- or anyone into our same molds.

I’ve said before that maybe Gandhi, being a Hindu, proved himself a better Christian by His actions than probably most Christians during his life-time. Perhaps Mr. Sheiman, being an atheist (though allegedly considering himself an “aspiring theist”), by his gesture, is putting forth a better Christian example than many of those who claim that label for themselves.

We’ve all heard the line “With friends like that, who needs enemies?” Well, with “enemies” like him, we would all soon have a lot more friends.

I have certainly learned something from him, and have been reminded of the fact that the One I look up to as my personal Guide and Master also stood out by bridging the gap between enemy camps (such as Jews and Romans), and it makes me long for that quality that His early followers stood out for, which ultimately enabled them to conquer the Roman empire with meekness and love.

I’m only afraid that Bruce might encounter the same type of rejection from the hardliners of his own camp that Jesus had to face from the religious hardliners of His day for showing sympathy to the Romans and preaching “Love your enemies.”

Perhaps the statement “Blessed are they who are being persecuted for righteousness’ sake” can also apply to atheists. The truth is the truth, no matter who preaches it. And in this case, the truth award of the day goes to Bruce…

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158 Ten Years After Matrix

I remember the first time I saw the Matrix pretty much exactly 10 years ago, I knew I had seen something very special. I had watched films before that had had a touch of the supernatural, almost like a message form God, like Zeffirelli's "Brother Sun, Sister Moon," and a few others, but this was special, and there have been very few movies since, that got anywhere near the deep spiritual significance of the Matrix, as far as I'm concerned.

Don't get me wrong, I know all about the way the powers that be use Hollywood and all that goes with it to manipulate the masses.

But I believe that there is a greater Matrix that envelopes the smaller matrix of the NWO schemers and their god: the bigger Picture of God, that happens to include the picture of our present reality including its evils, and that when it comes down to it, the Devil is just playing a part if God's plan, whether he wants or not.

Which doesn't mean I'm a fatalist, either; nor can I say exactly to what extent free choice effects destiny or vice versa.

As much as we hate it: we have to leave some of the facts and details up to God & trust we'll find them out in His good time...

Some people didn't understand all the rave and ado about it. They didn't get it then and they don't get it now. They figured, "Cool effects," but they prefer "Lord of the Rings" or "Star Wars." I guess it's like musical taste: some liked the Beatles, some liked the Stones, or some like Britney...

Matrix was a movie you've had to watch it a few times until you really got all the details.

Back then I was still with one foot in the System and one on a banana peel.

But with all that has happened since then, you might say I'm definitely unplugged now (as in living by faith).

Back then, I may have known the way in theory, but I hadn't really begun to walk in it yet.

I had some rough thoughts and ideas about how the dark forces are manipulating us from behind the scenes, but I wasn't aware to what extent.

I was affiliated with what you might call "The Resistance," but I wasn't nearly as active a part in it as now.

Not until 9/11.

In a way, having seen the Matrix was perfect preparation for not falling for the lies they told us since 9/11.

While the towers were still burning, Rumsfeld spoke of "retaliation." And I knew that what I was watching was propaganda. - The machines at work.

Six months later we watched television for the last time in our home.

We unplugged ourselves from the current of the mainstream media brainwash and started getting plugged in to the line of communication with the "Top," call it Zion, call it Heaven...

…Call it Jesus. I guess if Neo represents any one thing it's Jesus, but also what Jesus can do through each one of us if we dare to let go of the lie they have told us all our lives and believe that "There is no spoon."

– The knowledge of the Matrix being a fake enables you to do things that most people in the Matrix can’t do.

I’ve often wondered if that’s what perhaps empowered Jesus to walk on water, etc.: the knowledge that there is no spoon. If our physical world was just a bunch of encoded information (and they’re finding out that there are gigabytes worth of information in every living cell… who knows what we’ll yet find out about the make-up of our universe…), and He knew the code (since He had obviously written it: “In the beginning was the Word = logos = information…”) then the program He had written was subject to Him, and it was not that He was – as we are – subject to or victim of the circumstances. – An idea that drives home the level to which His crucifixion was an absolutely voluntary sacrifice.

Similarly to the way Neo had to decide to risk (and give) his own life for his friend Morpheus, I have also learned since, how much truth there is in not thinking it's you, or that we have to do it ourselves, but sometimes we just have to be there for someone else, and like Jesus said, be willing to lay down our lives for someone else, and that's when all of a sudden you find yourself "in the way," actually walking in it, not just merely talking about it or dreaming about it.

The big surprise at the end is that not even death can stop that kind of love, but it totally overcomes the Matrix and its agents. No wonder, if you keep in mind that God is love…

After a while of living in the consciousness of the extent of the Lie, the fake steak of the Matrix becomes meaningless to you, and money - since you know it's just part of the lie - becomes almost irrelevant, and in its present form on its way to history, anyway.

Since Obama, the powers that are working on introducing the new global economic order have shifted to turbo, and it's not as if Revelation 13 was like Sci-Fi in some distant future anymore.

Other people apart from us "loonies" can actually see it happening somewhere in the not too distant future - the cashless society.

It's exciting.

That's another thing that has changed: I'm not scared anymore.

It's like you just know everything is going to be okay, even if they kill you.

Similar to the plots of the sequels to the Matrix, the Resistance isn't actually always as united as it should be, and many don't believe in "the One," or in anything supernatural, for that matter, and the enemy forces are sheer overwhelming in numbers; but that’s all the more reason why you can pretty much take for granted that this war isn't going to be won by sheer power of force, nor with physical weapons.

The fact that Neo had to take the last steps of his way blind illustrated that it’s only by faith and not by sight that the final battle is going to be won, and that's what many people just don't want to see, because they think their own arm is strong enough, while their faith isn't...

Regardless of whether the NWO mind-manipulators had their hands in the making of this trilogy, it wouldn't be the first time that God used something the Devil would like to take the credit for.

Some people give the Devil too much credit and are too scared that God is some kind of weakling... They're scared of the stars, scared of candles, scared of sex, scared of the wrong kind of music...

But we're not going to win this war by being scared.

Sometimes the battle looks so hopeless, even the Enemy asks us," why do you keep fighting?" Neo's answer to Agent Smith, "Because I choose to" was not appreciated by everyone, but it's our choice not to give in that is going to see anyone through in the end.

You simply have to choose to keep fighting the Enemy. What other choice have you got? Quit? Surrender?

The message was, "Hell, no, we haven't even yet begun to fight," even if not with those words...

The one thing I didn't like was the ending of the trilogy. A cop-out. A truce between the Resistance and the machines, which in the Matrix scenario may have been the only realistic solution, but it won't be in the real battle.

Some people hold a grudge against God because of the bloodshed depicted in the book of Revelation or Ezekiel, and hate the God Who would allow any such thing to happen.

They would prefer for good and evil to coexist peacefully together in some sort of lukewarm truce. But I sometimes wonder if they ever dig anything at all of what life is teaching us.

I remember reading Revelation as a teen, and I felt very much like Neo did in the scene of movie when he finds out just what the Matrix is, and the first thing he does is throw up.

It’s a toughie, facing the reality of our world as God sees it, also, or especially in regard to its impending future (preceding the happy ending) as He foretells it (see Revelation 19-21). And not many people have the guts to face that reality.

But the only way we're ever going to have peace and any type of victory is if we have enough guts to hate evil, and if nothing else in this world will ever teach us to do that, I'm afraid the coming years most certainly will.


157 The NWO-Infiltration of the Truth Movement

The infiltration of the Truth Movement by the henchmen (and -women) of the very same forces it tries to expose began long before Zeitgeist.
Some years ago (shortly after 9/11) Henry Makow wrote me about a guy called Brian Desborough whose book apparently labels every thinkable religious movement as "Illuminati."
Upon googling him up I found an article of his (he since seems to have withdrawn, probably since it exposed too obviously what side he is working for), in which he basically stated that the Bible including its God was cooked up by the Illuminati, basing his statement on such grounds as that he knew for a fact that there were no camels in the regions of the Old Testament during that period of time. Wow! Shattering evidence!

It sort of resembles the pitiful argumentation of Acharya S and Peter Joseph, the minds behind "Zeitgeist" in their recent attempt to refute their debunkers. Not much more than a lot of ho-hums and whining over the fabricated "fact" that the naughty Christians destroyed all their evidence...

I guess you can recognize these people by the tactics which they copy from their god, the father of lies, and one must never underestimate their boldness in stretching the truth to the most gruesomely thinkable extent.

Brian Desborough also appears to be one of David Icke's sources, which perhaps explains we he seems to have gone totally bonkers, and has become one of those who make "conspiracy theorists" look like a bunch of loonies, which is precisely what the NWO-clique intends by planting their cuckoo's eggs into the nests of the various branches of the Truth Movement.

If they can discredit the voices of truth trying to expose their shenanigans, the public is going to stay in their trance until they're past the ever speedily approaching point of no return...

I could imagine that David Icke may have started off as a sincere seeker for the truth. But the quest for truth is a tricky little thing on which one has to stay determined to focus on accepting the truth and nothing but the truth, no matter how many shiny and scandalous temptations mark the path.

Personally, I am even leery of such supposed geniuses as Noam Chomsky, because no matter how much truth they bring out about "the other side," by their public stance against God they're implicating that man is the solution to his own problems, which is the same lie the NWO-camp has been telling ever since Cain and Abel (even though you must remember that that's just another one of their staunchest lies, since they are the ones preparing the perfect solution for you, buddy!), and the Bible simply and unmistakably states that "the fool has said in his heart, there is no God," no matter how "wise" whatever amount of groupies deem him.

When it comes to infiltration, people should not underestimate the Enemy of their souls. If he has done it with God's very own people (both versions 1 and 2), then he's also going to do it with the Truth Movement. "If you can't lick'em, join'em" has been the Devil's slogan latest since the 4th century.

What sort of hope and way out of the NWO dead end are people like Brian Desborough, Jordan Maxwell, Acharya S, Peter Joseph, David Icke and Noam Chomsky offering to the world? Especially those who decry Jesus as a fake, and claim that once the church and religion will have been wiped out, everything will be honky-dory?
- A miraculous rising up of all the good people in the world against all the bad people in the world, and they lived happily ever after?


Have we learned anything from history at all?

Lenin? Stalin? Mao? - And who will guarantee that the next head honcho is going to be that much better?

In fact, I can prophesy to you right now that he's going to be the worst this world has seen yet, and that wonderful New Age you think you're ushering in will turn on you as the worst nightmare of history!

"Imagine there's no Heaven" sounded kind of cool in the 70s, but John Lennon knows better now.

Nobody's saying that established religion has done any better than the big dictators from history. Yes, by and large, Christianity has been a disappointment.

But just use your brains for a second: Never in all of the history of mankind has there ever been any known process or force that would have produced one single shred of information from lifeless matter - no, not even billions of years of lucky coincidences could do that, if you study the carefully calculated odds.

So, what makes you think that the Gigabytes of information in every single one of the billions of cells your body consists of, (information that has been not only been encoded, but is being decoded by devices specially placed there in that tiny galaxy called a living cell for that purpose), all came about without an Author?

No wonder the Bible says you'd have to be an idiot not to believe in God.

And just the fact that we all think we would have been so much smarter and done it so much better than He doesn't actually make us smarter.

If you could just put aside your self-righteous grudge against God long enough to be able to think clearly, things would actually begin to make some real sense!

But I guess many simply don't want to believe it until they get to the end of their rope.
And that's precisely where we're headed.
Let's see Who's going to be standing at the other end to catch you when we get there...


156 God Is a Verb

The revelation that God is a verb, as laid out in the 14th chapter of “The Shack,” and evidently based on a quote by Buckminster Fuller, lends new meaning to the famous opening phrase of the Gospel of John, “In the beginning was the Word” (John 1:1). Incidentally, in the Spanish version, the phrase uses the term “Verbo,” as in “verb,” instead of the more modern word, “palabra,” (and I remember frowning on that years ago, because of its implication that God was a Verb, instead of a Noun).

But it makes sense in the light of the reference to God's old and Hebrew name (Jehova, Jahwe or Jah) meaning “I am,” ("I am that I am," or “I will be,” etc.). which in many languages is simply the verb of “being” in the first form or person… (i.e. "soy," Spanish for "I am," "sono," Italian...)

Naturally, as the book points out, we humans are more fascinated by nouns, and more specifically, things we chase after all our lives in our pursuit of (the nouns) happiness, money, fame… you name it.

Most of the 10 things the Ten Commandments forbid or tell us we shouldn't do, are things that we do in pursuit of those nouns (things) we think will make us happy: We steal, kill, lie, covet our neighbor's goods and wife and then make idols out of them and worship them, (by spending an infinitely greater amount of time on their pursuit than in our relationship with our Maker), instead of the One Who alone deserves to be worshiped, and since we hardly ever stop voluntarily in our perpetual pursuit of those nouns, God slapped the commandment to keep the Sabbath in there, to make sure that we'll give it a break at least one day per week…

It also lends all the more sense to why Jesus told His disciples, “I give you a new commandment: to love one another.” In other words, “If you keep that one, you won't need all the other “don'ts” anymore…

If you just do the right thing, the thing that God by nature does all the time (God is love - another Verb), then you'll be alright.

Perhaps He had to show us first how to do it by His own life, before we would ever understand it,
(hence first the 10 "don'ts"), and if there's one thing we can gather from Jesus' earthly life, it is the fact that it was most certainly not a life lived in pursuit of things (or nouns) at all.

All He did was do and say things that would evoke processes and actions (verbs) in our lives that would cause us to revolute, turn around and live and love and even die happily ever after, because the way He did and does all those things are simply divine.

(I just hope that none of the disciples of Richard Dawkins are going to find this blog entry, or I'll be swamped by insulting comments about the lack of sense I'm making as far as they're concerned…
But as some insignificant little songwriter once put it: “Love doesn't care what people say…”)

Maybe that's the reason why so many people who claim to be Christians or believers lack all the evidence of their discipleship in their sample: they don't do God. They lack the doing part of God. They may think they have God wrapped up in a neat little package like one of those Christmas presents under their trees, and the concept of God all figured out in the cube on top of their necks, and keep Him tightly locked up inside that big house they built for Him for 25.000.000 bucks, but the rest of the world still refuses to believe one word they're saying when they open their mouths and talk about God, because talking seems to be the only action and verb in their religion…

They don't do or practice the verb that God is.

They haven't even yet begun to love.

I - as a person whose principal and arch enemy is the sin of laziness - must admit that it isn't necessarily always easy to do God.

Likewise, our other human core weaknesses - our anger, pride, our tendencies to lie, our envy, avarice, fears, hedonistic streaks and desire for power - these all strive in us to stop us from doing the God-thing, the verb, the action that is God.

Our natural inclinations are to do the things that are good for ourselves, that give us big bellies, stuffed pockets, lots of zeroes behind the digits on our bank accounts, friends on MySpace or whatever, but the action of doing God and what God does is sort of alien to most of us, and it's almost as if we have to lose our own selfish lives first before we can find life the way Love intended…

Besides, doing God is so dreadfully unpopular in our world...
Anything else in our may be popular, except that one single activity.

Doing God comes across as corny, if not totally uncool our downright outrageous to most of our fellowmen who follow the examples of our Hollywood icons that we tend to shape our lives after, rather than the sad figure hanging on the cross in the building we visit on Sundays.

Well, perhaps that's precisely one of the points the author(s) of “The Shack” wanted to bring across, and what some of their publications refer to as thinking outside the box:

God is not something you can stick in a box and say, “It's MINE!” It's something you either do or… forget it!

God is the Action that's making everything happen, even if He may temporarily do most of it hidden from our view and from behind the scenes, letting us live under the impression that we're the ones doing everything - only until the curtain will be removed and it shall be revealed just how much the Great Director and His staff were actually involved of the making of this Big Picture

Coincidentally, even the original meaning of the word “church” (ecclesia) is based on a verb. God is calling all of us out and away from our materialistic, greedy ways of thinking, to a new world, where His happy children dance around in a huge circle, calling out to anyone who will hear: “C'mon, let's do some God together!”


155 The Bleak Picture (Or: The End of the Tale)

The difference between the world view of the "truth movement" people and the picture the Bible portrays of the world we're living in, is that the adherents to the truth movement have more optimistic expectations concerning the capabilities and supposed inherent "goodness" of people. They think that if we just get rid of the bad people, that'll do, and everything will be honky-dory. They call all the "good" people to rise up against the "bad" people, and then we'll have democracy and peace and freedom and live happily ever after.

Unfortunately, the Bible tells a more realistic tale about ourselves, of which many say, "This is an hard saying; who can bear it?"

The problem is that "bad" people often started out as "good people," and "good people," no matter how good, stand every chance to become "bad" once they're in power, because power inevitably corrupts.

One classic example of this is the Jewish king David, considered by far the best king the Jews ever had, who of all people really should have known better: having been persecuted and haunted by his predecessor Saul for half his life, having to seek refuge in caves and with the enemies of his people, what does he do once he becomes king?

Falls in love with his neighbor and sees to it that her husband is killed in battle.

And that was the best that "God's people" ever came up with, so, you can only imagine how rotten the rest of the world is, and contrary to the fable of evolution, I have news for you: we're not getting better all the time!

If the Bible is any sort of authority on the human psyche at all, it certainly paints a more sinister picture:

"The imagination of man's heart is evil from his youth," (Genesis 8:21), "He that trusteth in his own heart is a fool" (Proverbs 28:26), "The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?" (Jeremiah 17:9) and "There is none that doeth good, no, not one" (Romans 3:12).

Incidentally, even Jesus refused to let anyone call Him "good," (Mark 10:18), and if anyone on earth ever should have been able to deserve that attribute, it certainly ought to have been the Son of God...

So much on the goodness of the "good" from the highest possible Authority.

And as far as the immediate future of our world is concerned, the Bible does not predict that an army of "good" people will rise up to stand up against the Antichrist before he comes to power or force him off his throne.

First of all, the one sin that folks like Alex Jones and his friends seem to underestimate is the ever present fear in the hearts of the majority of the people, as illustrated by the large majority still writing off any suspicions about the official version of the 9/11 incidents as "Conspiracy theories," or the masses that are thronging to get their swine flu vaccination...

What they also seem to underestimate is people's love for darkness, as opposed to the truth (see John 3:19). They're a lot more willing to accept an attractive and comfortable lie than the ugly truth.

Which is also what explains the Endtime scenario that the Bible depicts: Evidently there will be a resistance movement against the Antichrist, and there will obviously be survivors of his "war against the saints" (otherwise there'd be no one left for Jesus to pick up in the Rapture, which will not happen before the Tribulation).

But the weapons the members of that movement will avail themselves of will most certainly not be guns or bombs or Molotow cocktails.

In Revelation chapter 11 we find the account of two outstanding members of the Antichrist-Resistance, and we find here that the weapons they will wield will be supernatural (see 11:5, 6).

But it's not like they will be members of some huge and massive movement the type that Alex Jones and friends seem to dream of. In fact, when those two will finally be killed, it says that the citizens of the world will celebrate their execution as if it were a new version of Christmas (verses 9, 10).

The picture of events when "the shit hits the fan" as portrayed by Alex is more that of the innocent masses of citizens having to defend themselves from the bad NWO cops.

I'm afraid that those citizens won't be all that innocent anymore once Helter Skelter is being let loose, and the supermarkets will already have been robbed clean.

If they mow down their fellow humans already not, during peace times, I don't want to know what it's going to be like then, when the average Joe is going to have to show just how good he is at "dog eat dog."

And I doubt that people around the globe are going to behave like all them fine Christian folk in Texas.

After all, the great Tribulation is not called "Tribulation" for nothing. It's not going to be your average Hollywood type of adventure where the good ones are going around dodging bullets while all the bad people fall left and right. It's going to be hell on earth. If you think it's bad now, cheer up, it could be worse, and it's going to be.

There is going to be an insurgence against the Antichrist, from what I understand, at the battle of Armageddon, where 200 million horsemen, presumably from the East (Rev. 16:12) will march toward Jerusalem, but they're not going to be your local American truth lovers and self-made Rambos. They're most likely going to be those we generally label "terrorists" today, the large part of the Muslim world that will refuse to bow down to the image erected to the Antichrist, because idolatry was already what they hated about Christianity, and why their religion got started in the first place.

But even they wouldn't stand a chance without the supernatural intervention of Him Who was sent into this world for the one purpose: to save it. The very name He chose for His earthly existence means "Savior," and the first time around He came to save us from ourselves. The second time He will come to save us from the one who was the culprit to begin with, and created the need for us to be saved...

A fairy tale?

Okay, so you go ahead and believe in your fairy tale, that all intelligent life sprang forth from life-less matter and keeps evolving into better and better "good" people all the time, and I believe mine.

The fundamental difference lies with the authors. And I guess only the end of the tale will tell which of the two will have told the truth.


154 My Perception of Alex Jones (Flesh Or Spirit?)

I must say I do appreciate the work Alex Jones did on his latest two films, "The Obama Deception" and "The Fall of the Republic." While there are certain elements in those films I would dare to disagree with, the content of valid information in them, in other words, the "truth factor" outweighs those flaws, such as his sometimes slightly overwhelming patriotism that is so common among Americans and seems to indicate that they truly believe that every American is at least ten times better than any citizen of any other country.
It's hard to credibly condemn presidents and the powers behind the New World Order for sending American soldiers off to war, when you're a victim of one of the principal mindsets yourself that fuels those wars, namely that sort of patriotism and nationalism.
If your country's that great, why, it practically gives you a license to barge into any other country on earth with a gun in the effort to make that hottentot backwards country similar in greatness to yours, and let some of its greatness rub off on it...

Without realizing it, they're victims of the same media hogwash they rightly say the vast majority has been duped by, although to a lesser extent.

But as I say, the information he does put out is significant, and the truth factor does in my opinion outweigh the patriotic hype factors.
Without those two films, I'd probably still live under the illusion that Obama was actually an improvement since the Bush administration. By now I know without a doubt that it really doesn't matter whose administration it is, and things, like the Bible says, are only bound to get worse.

As a believer, it felt reassuring to hear Alex give God the credit in his latest film, even if only for the exhuberant greatness of his country.
At least he does believe in God, unlike other professional exposers of the NWO like David Icke, who seems to subscribe to the doctrines of his pal Brian Desborough, who claims that all religions and the Almighty Himself are an invention of the Illuminati, designed to enslave mankind through religion, a very popular notion that is also embraced by the Zeitgeist movement I wrote about recently. The infiltration of the truth movement by such people is probably the smartest move the Devil could have made, since they're automatically robbing themselves of the only way out of the mess into which he's steering the world.

That's probably one factor Alex Jones fails to recognize, too, and just because he seems to believe in God, it would probably be an exaggeration to call him a spiritual man.
By failing to see the spiritual background of all these things, though, such as the rise of the NWO, I'm afraid one fails to see a substantial part of the picture.

For one thing, while the planned abolition of borders between countries may in terms of industrial independence and political sovereignty be a nightmare for patriotic Americans like Alex Jones, for believers who are aware that the New World Order is only going to be the last, necessary stop before God's Kingdom will be established, the abolition of borders and national sovereignty has a less significant impact.

True Christians believe and know that the coming New World Order will ultimately be headed by the Antichrist, a man, who for the last 3 1/2 years of his life and reign will be completely possessed and controlled by Satan himself, and since Satan is only an imitator and counterfeiter of God, his kingdom will only be a sorry counterfeit of God's Coming Kingdom, in which borders and national boundaries will be history, and a sad part of it, as well.
I'm sorry to disappoint Alex and perhaps millions of others, but I'm fairly convinced that there won't be anymore red-white-and-blue flag waving folks around in God's Kingdom, nor patriots of any other kind than those loyal to the Kingdom that has always been not of this present world, of a very different kind, and the difference certainly includes its stance on earthly patriotism (see Hebrews 11).

The same applies to the abolition of cash. While the New World Order's plans to replace paper money with the cashless system the Bible terms "the mark of the Beast" ("the Beast" being a term for the Antichrist) certainly will be truly diabolical, and we strongly advise anyone to refuse to take that mark, it is on the other hand, only yet another way in which the Devil will try to imitate God's Kingdom, because you can bet your bottom dollar that there won't be any folks left chasing paper money, and what the Bible calls "filthy lucre" in the Kingdom of God!

Ignoring the spiritual factors behind the New World Order and only seeing the people involved in it, is very short-sighted, indeed.
The problem is, a lot of the good folks speaking in Alex' films are of the opinion that if the American people would unite and stand up and rise up against the NWO, then the world could be saved from its fate, but there is unfortunately no way around this darkest chapter of history. That display of blind patriotism will be just as futile as that of the people of Israel during the time of the prophet of Jeremiah, who warned them to submit to the yoke of the king of Babylon (in some ways a proto-type of the Antichrist, since the Bible refers to both as "the king of the north," although the king of Babylon, Nebucchadnezzar, did in the end turn out to be a good man, which won't be the case with the AC).
Jeremiah was thrown into a dungeon because of his heretical treason, but it changed nothing about the fact that he turned out to be right, after all.

Some people who don't trust Alex Jones accuse him of fulfilling a purpose in the plan of the New World Order cronies: that he will be instrumental in evoking an uprising and violent resistence against the NWO that will give the rulers an excuse to clamp down on them with force, and although I doubt that this would be Alex Jones' intention, the danger that this is going to happen is quite real.

Physical, armed resistance against the NWO will be just as futile as the efforts of Jewish zealots during the Roman occupation of Judea, which was totally crushed.
As I wrote in my last entry, one of the reasons the Jews rejected Jesus was because they had been hoping for a messiah that was going to liberate them from Roman occupation. But Jesus actually extended His compassion to Romans as well, as well as Samaritans, which were despised by the Jews, and it seemed that He was announcing that God was going to extend His pact to any heathen that would accept His sacrifice, which is in effect what happened.

The problem is that if you think that you and your country or people are so good you're just about perfect, and the only liberation you need is from the physical oppression of those who are making you pay taxes, then you wind up shouting "crucify Him!" at the one who indicates that you have a bigger problem, which you need to get rid off first.
Jesus clearly stated that the yoke of sin that even the seemingly perfect Jewish people were under was something much more serious and warranted greater attention than liberation from the Romans. He would deal with the Roman empire later, just as He will with the upcoming New World Order, be assured, but what you need to be liberated from first of all, is your sins. You need to avail yourself of the only exit and way out of this present matrix by accepting the blood of Jesus Christ as remission from the one thing that will hold you captive in a stronger grip than any physical oppressor could. Why?
Because as good as you may think you are, there is no guarantee on God's earth that you would do any better if you were in charge, unless you heart has been supernaturally changed by the grace of God, and you have allowed Him to replace your own sinful, selfish and carnal nature by the new creature Christ can and will make out of you, if you let Him.

One of the major issues about this present life, as far as God is concerned, is the issue of flesh versus spirit. What will you place your bet on? Which will you put your money on? Will you put your hopes in your own arm of the flesh (and remember, your brain is just another chunk of that flesh, and your own smartness won't save you, either)? Or do you recognize that there is something Greater at work, even if invisibly, behind the scenes, that is going to empower you to truly rise above all the evils in this world, just as It- or He - empowered all the martyrs throughout history?

Do you think that the worst that could possibly happen to you is your physical death, and the end of your fleshly existence is going to be The End, period?

Think again!

It all depends on which you'll choose to put your trust in: God's Promises of eternal life in a better world than even your oh-so-beloved America, or your own wit and strength to save you.
I guess it's always harder for those who have got it all going for them in the flesh, to choose the humble and submissive option of yielding to God and letting Him do it through you, rather than the do-it-yourself option. I guess we'll meet at the finishing line and see who will have made it there first. But let me give you this little piece of advice from Aesop, the citizen of a country and culture which at one time in history deemed itself to be the most glorious and the peek of civilization, just as quite a few others before and since:

"The hare never made it, but the tortoise did."

Or, as Morpheus put it to Neo in the Matrix scene in which he teaches him to fight properly (relying on spirit, rather than flesh):

"Do you think that my being stronger or faster has anything to do with my muscles in this place? -- You think that's air you're breathing now?"