
072 Public School Makes Kids Stupid

It’s official now, as far as I’m concerned – and what hundreds of thousands of parents of homeschoolers have already known for decades, I’ve recently found confirmed by serious book authors, such as John Taylor Gatto and Charlotte T. Iserbyt: Public Schools make kids stupid.

If you want to know the exact reasons for this statement, you can read this paper by Kent Daniel Bentkowski, since I’m not just writing this blog to confirm what you’ve probably known all along, but I’m aiming at something else.

I’m aiming at a point I just discovered during the past 24 hours, and that is that the public school system is there for a special – less than benign – purpose. If life itself is a school, and God our great Teacher, then the school system is what the Devil cooked up in order to distract kids from what God is trying to teach us through everything, to indoctrinate us and inoculate us against His truth, so clearly visible everywhere in His creation.

When we are children, we still see it, but then the brainwashing starts, and all you see afterwards is confusion.

It’s not wonder that Rick Joyner saw school teachers among the guards and wardens of the “prison of life” in his vision in “The Call.” Along with other official defenders of the System, they’re one group of “guardians of the Matrix,” and if they dare to excel above their duty of making sure the kids stay dumb, they will probably run into the same frustrations J.T. Gatto describes in his books, “Dumbing Us Down: The Hidden Curriculum of Compulsory Schooling,“ and The Underground History of American Education.“

I must give our faith-community, The Family International, credit for having recognized that fact from the beginning (our founder compared public schools to the ancient pagan deity Moloch, to whom newborns were sacrificed), and being on the forefront of Christian homeschoolers, when it comes to international movements, and for making home-schooling the undisputed choice of preference for children of full-time members.

Unfortunately, in some countries, such as Germany, public school is really compulsory, as in “you go to jail or lose custody if you don’t do it.” Bearing the only advantage that by the time you’ve had 6 children go through the treadmill of a public school system intricately designed to produce idiots, you can only whole-heartedly agree with the above authors. Too bad “freedom” doesn’t go all that far, in some so-called democracies, but we already covered that topic

The longer one lives in this world and actually sees what’s going on, the more aspects one finds in which the System is just a pitiful counterfeit of the Real Thing, God’s original plan for us: the health care system, the economic system, certainly the political system, the church system, and the educational system. All designed beautifully to bring about the desired result: total failure.

As the author of one article about the health care situation in the US wrote some time ago, “If you want to stay healthy, keep away from hospitals!” I would paraphrase that and say, “If you want your kids to be smart, keep them away from public schools!” IF you can, that is. If you love your child and the country you live in grants that liberty, use it!

No wonder, Jesus said one would have to forsake “all that he hath” in order to be His disciple. You won’t want anything this world has to offer. You just can’t have two masters. If you’re already being brainwashed by those poor underpaid and overworked teachers in public school and their dictated curriculum of “no sense, no purpose & no idea,” then it’ll be hard to concentrate on anything the Great Teacher is trying to tell you. You either let them convert you into a System-junkie, or you become a freedom-fighter for the truth.


071 Give Peace a Chance

While browsing for a more reliable source of recommendations for edifying movies than Christianity Today last night (any site rating “Pan’s Labyrinth” higher than “Amazing Grace” must be about as “Christian” as George Bush, any we all ought to know by now how far his “Christianity” really goes), I finally came upon “Crosswalk,” a site not free of the hyper-patriotic and warmongering mindset of US-Insanity Today, either, but at least not as mind-warped & pseudo-intellectually twisted. So, if you’re looking for edifying movies, that’s the site, we’d presently recommend, rather than CT.

Before we found Crosswalk, there were a few other sites, recommending what they considered the “best” movies, say, of 2006, and one recommendation that caught my eye was “Shut Up and Sing,” the documentary with and about the Dixie Chicks, and particularly what happened after their statement in London in 2003, that they were ashamed of Bush being from Texas.

Being a big-mouth-afflicted artist myself, who has refused to go the way of all flesh for the sake of popularity, naturally my heart went out for the girls, and we thoroughly enjoyed watching their metamorphosis from “merely a Country band” into a “furious voice for the truth.”

Even though it becomes clear during the course of the film that the Chicks are not promoting Christian values or view points, it’s almost as if God winked an eye and anointed them to a somewhat prophetic voice against the insanity and hypocrisy that so many people have the audacity to actually call “Christianity.”

Of course, the whole incident reminds one of the episode with John Lennon and the Beatles in the 60s, after John’s prognosis that Christianity would vanish, and, after all, they were more famous than Jesus.

I ran a Google check recently, ”Beatles” vs. “Jesus,” and while the Beatles yielded a whopping 54.000.000 results, Jesus took the cake with 180.000.000. So, this just shows how fleeting fame and popularity are in this world. You may be more famous than Jesus one day, but then, never underestimate immortality: it’s got something that’s going to catch up with you sooner or later.

So, in the long run, John was wrong about that one. Nevertheless, he was right about a lot of other things he said. For instance, that New York is like the Rome of today. Or “All You Need Is Love” (providing you truly believe that God IS love, and that He’s capable of supplying all your needs, that is). Or “Give peace a chance!” (Remember, it was the time of the Vietnam war, a situation very similar to the present rape of Iraq).

We Christians have a saying, “There is no peace without the Prince of Peace,” but I also believe that it works the other way around: “Where there’s no peace, there the Prince of Peace isn’t, either,” no matter how ardently one may profess to believe in Him, or claim to have exclusive rights as His representatives on earth.

What people don’t realize is that He Himself prophesied that there would be many speaking and acting in His name, whom He would not recognize as His, but whom He will tell at the end of the world, “Depart from Me; I never knew you!”

Personally, I can’t blame folks for not buying into the kind of “Christianity” most people are selling as such, and I wouldn’t be a bit surprised if what Jesus said comes true, and there will be many from the East and the West, who will enter into His Kingdom before those who call themselves the children of the Kingdom.

As far as I’m concerned, I’d much rather see the Dixie Chicks there than pseudo-pious mass murderers.

I don’t know about you…


070 Freedom?

In what is probably one of the currently most popular and widespread political blog entries on the web, Jacob Hornberger, founder and president of The Future of Freedom Foundation, sheds a little light on what he calls “Bush’s Freedom Delusion.”

While - as a believer in the afterlife - I don’t necessarily agree with him that “Dead people cannot experience freedom,…” I do agree that that’s probably not the kind of freedom the Iraqi people were hoping for. It reminds one of the joke about the preacher in the Wild West who asked his crowd who wanted to go to Heaven, and everybody raised his hand. Then a drunk gun slinger stands up and says, “You’re not asking that question the right way, Preacher!” – pulls his guns, and asks, “Now, who wants to go to Heaven?!”

I guess Bush’s idea of “Heaven” or “Freedom” differs somewhat from that of most clear thinking folk, as does that of those “religious broadcasters,” who can give a standing ovation and shout “Amens” to such a farce.

If that’s freedom, then who wants it? If that’s the kind of people we’ll meet in Heaven, then who wants to got there?

Rightly, Hornberger questions, “If freedom and democracy really was the be-all and end-all for President Bush, would he really have spent the last several years funneling millions of dollars in U.S. taxpayer aid to his close friend and partner Pervez Musharraf, the unelected brutal military dictator of Pakistan? The reason that Bush has never supported democracy in Pakistan is because it might produce a regime that isn’t favorable to the U.S. government.

It made me wonder. What is it, then, that makes us, in the West, worthy of the luxury of democracy, while other people are having paid dictators to keep them enslaved? What quality is it that makes us bona fide candidates for that oh, so glorious golden and shiny bluebird of happiness, Democracy?

You’re not going to like my conclusion.

It’s the fact that we’re already brainwashed. They managed to make us believe their hogwash ever since we were kids in school, and they ensure that we stay brainwashed by bombarding us with the same old tunes over and over and over again: when you pick up a magazine at the dentist’s, when you turn on the tube or the radio, when you go to church, work, or school… They don’t have to worry about us anymore.

It’s like the old story about black Sam, who was a slave on some cotton farm in the South before the Civil War. One day his master asked him, “Sam, how come you’re a Christian, and yet you seem to be having so many problems? I don’t even believe in God & don’t have nearly as many troubles as you.” Sam had to think about that for a while before he was ready to answer. But a few days later, they went on a duck hunt, and there Sam’s master told him to collect the wounded ducks and leave the dead ones lay. Sam came back with a big grin to his master after the hunt & said, “I now have the answer to your question, Boss! You see, I’m a live one. The Devil’s trying to get me bagged, and that’s why he’s giving me so many troubles. You’re a dead duck! He’s already got you in his bag, that’s why he’s leavin’ you alone.”

Most of us who enjoy democracy only have that privilege because the Devil’s already got us in his bag. We think we’re free, and take the freedom to give that same freedom to other helpless nations at the point of a gun, or at least we pay our corrupt leaders to do it, or give standing ovations to speeches he actually made us believe that he believed their content himself.

Apparently even Hornberger seems to believe that. Well, that’s one more point I disagree with him on. Guess one day we’ll know.

In any case, now we know – or at least I know what makes us liable for democracy: a propaganda machine that operates so well that it can keep the masses perfectly enslaved without them even noticing it. We even applaud our oppressors.

If this is freedom, it makes me wonder if the Iraqis aren’t truly the luckier ones in this deal…


069 Google Almighty

The god of this world has a new name: Google Almighty. If there is any way I can imagine the antichrist coming into power, it's going to be the same way Google did: Offering quick and easy solutions for everyone under a facade of "the nice guys from next door," while slowly growing into a power that - woe if it turns against you.

We all fell for it, that irresistible offer of "X gigabyte and growing" of space in your mailbox, when Gmail first came out: even in spite of the warnings of our friends, who said, "Did you ever read their privacy policy?" We shrugged it off & said, "So what? What can they do to us, that would justify not grabbing such a generous offer?" during a time when Yahoo still held the crown of "the world's best web-based email," annoying us with its glitches and flashy advertizements...

Oh, and we all went for blogger, when it came up with all it's wonderful new features, and posted our opinions, thinking that those "nice guys from next door" wouldn't mind if they were going to be a little bit politically incorrect. That's what you get for thinking.

We posted our videos on google video, uploaded our photos to our google accounts by the hundreds, and thought, "Oh, well, nothing happened so far, so all our private information must be safely in their hands."

All until they pulled the plug on you. At first you thought, "Could it be? Google down?!" But then you find out via the - mind you, infinitely inferior - counterparts, such as yahoo search or dogpile (ever tried to find a decent site to help you, for instance, download a display driver for a Tecra 8000 via those engines? All the internet demons will come laughing at you, "Thou fool! How can you even try to achieve this without our god, Google Almighty!?"), that no, Google is not down, it's just a small "local" problem with their blacklisting system which automatically bars undesirable users from any of their services. Somehow you fell from grace. Maybe you typed in a slightly illigitimate query into your google search bar, or accidentally downloaded some trojan that went "tattling" on you.
Maybe Google Almighty just figured that now might be the right time to give you a glimpse of the meaning of the word "almighty" out there, in Cyberspace.
(Reminds you of the lunatic in "Dreamscape:" "Down here, I am god, baby!").

It's probably a foreshadowing of the day when the Illuminati are going to pull the plug on us, and will let us know just how much we'll get accomplished without electricity. You'll wish you had a fire stove and some candles stacked away, then! (Oh, and plenty of bottled water, since that won't come running out of your tabs anymore, either...)

I'm slowly looking around for alternatives to Google: I'm going to update my older, perhaps slightly humbler blogs with less features, & see whether they'll also be barred from Google Search ("F__k the tags!"). Guess I'll have to look around for a more reliable webmail service, too, or run back to my Yahoo account (if Google hasn't bought Yahoo already by the time I'm done writing this ...)

One should have known it. Power corrupts. No matter how nice the image. Once you're part of the Corporate World, you'll dance and play according to their tune, and often it's the young, "open-minded" and dynamic success junkies who'll become the most viciously loyal slaves of the System in their do or die quest to become "No.1."

So, how does it feel up there, "Google Almighty?"

So you think the Internet's going to last forever, and there's nothing that could shake you and kick you off your thrown, do you? Well, I've got news for you: God's wonderful new System is coming up, one without electro smog and cyber tyrants; most probably (at least if I'll have any say in it) even without money, and no more machines ruling our lives!

"You may say, I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one..."

Who knows? Maybe there's more to the message of "The Matrix" than even I have fathomed thus far (being one of the greatest fans of the series I know)... Perhaps there's really something to it: the war between men and machines, and I have a notion that it won't end in a peaceful truce, like the fictional trilogy did.
The ancient book of Enoch, which is quoted in the epistle of Jude in the Bible as sacred Scripture, states that it was the descended (fallen?) angels who taught man all sorts of things they weren't really supposed to know, such as the art of war, and who knows what else they have taught and shown us since, perhaps unbeknownst to us? We think of ourselves as so advanced, so smart, so "evolved," but what if a lot of those inventions man made - both good or bad - were based on inspiration in the true sense of the word, namely "given by spirits"?
We may claim the credit, but in the end, the Bible says, "What hast though that thou didst not receive?"
To what extent were spirits involved in the development of our machinery? And if they were involved in their development, to what extent are they involved in their usage? Whose music are we dancing to?


068 The Great Conspiracy

For those who still have any doubt that the official story was a hoax...


067 Babylon the Whore

I've been watching the first 7 issues of Chuck Missler's Revelation video series on Google Video last week, and while I am thankful for the elaborate background information Missler gives on the deeper significance that lies in the Letters to the 7 Churches, there are also points in which I personally feel he's totally off the track, such as the erroneous Pre-Tribulation Rapture, of course, but also his identifying Babylon the Whore as literal ancient Babylon in Iraq. I've also read portions of Dave Hunt's book "A Woman Rides The Beast," which Chuck Missler repeatedly recommends, to see whether I would be able to reconcile with the tought that Babylon the great Whore as described in Revelations 17 and 18 could perhaps be Rome, but also in this case, I must acredit those two Americans' interpretation of those Scriptures to the same - typical for Americans - wishful thinking that misleads millions of Christians to belief in a Pre-Tribulation Rapture.

While it is certainly true that Rome and the Catholic Church are guilty of the blood of innocent millions, and it's certainly true that the remnant of what used to be true Christianity that they are presenting to the world as such is blasphemous and certainly good reason for God's indignation, it takes Americans to fail to recognize that the slaughter, rape of the truth and untold bloodshed perpetrated by their own country over the past centuries makes even Rome look innocent and saintly by comparison.

Of course, recognizing this fact takes a willingness to face the truth and to see beyond the "America the Beautiful" image that most Americans and part of the rest of the world (still) are enchanted with, and a look beyond the official version of history; a look behind the curtains as to who really financed and instigated the first two world wars, the Russian Revolution, and literally every other war during the past few centuries of our world's history.

The bloody tracks lead to another "great and mighty city" that "sitteth upon many waters" and plays the tunes to which all nations really dance, be it financially, culturally or polictically. A city, so great and mighty, in fact, that modern day Rome looks like a little village in comparison, the skyline of which you see daily on TVs, billboads and web pages or in movie theatres all over the world

There is even a town called "Babylon" on Long Island, New York. As (not only) Insiders know, the Statue of Liberty is in reality an idol representing the Babylonian goddess Semiramis, watching over her favored child.

Just read for yourself the verses about "Babylon the Great Whore" which shall be destroyed in one hour, and make up your mind, whether this is most applicable to the Italian city of Rome, the - howbeit rebuilt - ruins of ancient Babylon in Iraq, or the City which not only houses the United Nations, the Council on Foreign Relations, but also the financers behind it all, including the very material they're forcing on our kids in school as "truth" every day: Rockefellers & Co.

If you're in touch with reality at all, and you're bold enough to face the ugly truth about your beloved and oh so great country, you'll see that the other 2 alternatives are pitifully erroneous wishful thinking cooked up by people whose loyalty is rather to the flag of their country than the cross, when Jesus told His disciples clearly that they were not of this world, just as He wasn't.

America, it's time to open up your eyes that the rest of the world is seeing through your camouflage of "democracy." You've just become another big bully world empire, dictating your views on the rest of the world, you're the greatest oppressor of the poor and innocent this world has ever seen in its pitiful history, and you're going to reap what you've sown. God promises it, and there won't be any "Pre-Tribulation Rapture," either, to save you out of it! Oh, and did I mention it? Your President is a mass murderer, - and he's not the first in line - going down in history as another infamous villain like Hitler and Stalin, who were ultimately brought into power by your money in the first place, too.

What you may not know is, that the Beast you're riding on, that wonderful and glorious "New World Order" your head honchos like Bush Sr., are so eagerly promoting, will turn against you, rend you in pieces and devour your flesh. Read Revelations 17 and 18 for what they are! Read and weep!

(I need to state here that these expressed opinions are solely my own, and do not reflect in any way the current views and opinions of the faith community I am associated with.)