I've been thinking a bit more about James Cameron and his apparently opposing stance toward Christianity, as conveyed through his last two motion pictures, and
The keyword is Bush. What makes the whole matter of trying to save the face of Christianity a Sisyphus task is the fact that George Bush claimed to be a Christian (whether he still does is irrelevant, since his decisions do no longer determine the lives and deaths of millions)., and posed as one of Christianity's most stout defenders and protagonists.
I'm just wondering whether we, as Christians, should just willingly accept any type of famous personality and figure of power to speak for all of us, when a little bit of healthy discernment might have easily alarmed us that something about his actions did not jibe with his words (much as is the case with the current President, but without all the embarrassing pseudo-religious ado about it).
Now, Christianity already had bad cards in the eyes of a largely brainwashed public who's been hearing and reading the same old stuff about the crusades, the inquisition, Catholic child abuse, weird Christian cults, etc., etc. for decades, but George Bush was just about the straw that broke the camel's back. (The camel being Christianity's image in the world).
Anybody with half a brain and enough wits to put two and two together could figure out that if Christianity was the religion that someone like George Bush professed to be a champion of, then it had to be the epitome of evil.
I mean, who wants to go to Heaven with the prospect of folks like that up there, right?
The other problem being that the vast majority of Christians worldwide swallowed the bait and believed all the books that came out about how George Bush was the man who brought faith into the White House, etc.
But as I have stated before, Christians often make the grave mistake of underestimating their Enemy. It would never occur to them to what lengths the Devil goes in order to fool them, not until it's way too late.
The camouflage is so perfect, that some now even see him as the good guy, and Obama as the bad guy who wrecked the country since he's in office, when there is really no difference at all between Bush and Obama, except that Obama can do without all the Pseudo-Christian ado...
God is not the author of confusion, but the other guy, who is the author of confusion, is doing a magnificent job here. Though it doesn't really take brains as much as sticking to what Jesus said and a little bit of the Holy Ghost to be able to look through the facade. That again, is a price too high to pay for most believers. And as long as that's the case, there will always be folks like James Cameron who will come across a lot more like the good guys than all those gun-totin' "Christians."
The problem is they haven't recognized their real enemy, and while they're staring into the high noon sun, struttin' out into the street to lay down their supposed opponent with one swift blow from the hip, their real enemy is shooting them in the back from the roof... Having learned nothing from a century of Hollywood tutoring...
Instead of spending trillions on blasting third world countries back to Kingdom come, they should have invested a little more in the sort of weaponry that really makes a difference: the white-hot sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God, and some of those gifts of the Spirit like discernment, and some live communication with their true Commander-In Chief, Who could have told them that the phoney they're sacrificing their sons for is a fake...
By their fruits ye shall know them. And the sad testimony in all this is, that those who don't share our faith sometimes have greater discernment and a better sense to distinguish between good fruit and a rotter than we do.
Here's a link to an article from 2008 that paints a different picture than the icon of "St. George W." we're all supposed to fall for:
Anybody can say they're "saved." - So did Charles Manson. What greater damage could a Satanist inflict on the body of Christianity than to pretend that He loves Jesus?
Let's face it: More than once in history has the Devil availed himself of "Christians"...
There are some friends you wouldn't want to have. Even if they were the President of the United States of America!
P.S.: George Bush has managed to unite probably 80 or 90 percent of Christendom under a universal label and umbrella of stupidity.
The rest of the clear thinking world adrift in the valley of indecision came to conclude: If this is what Christianity stands for, then long live atheism, Paganism, occultism, Buddhism, whatever-ism, as long as it's not this schism!
Perhaps that's what Jesus meant by "The children of this world are in their generation wiser than the children of light" (Luke 16:8).
The good thing - as in the one glimpse of hope - about it is that He is going to use it to prove that even our ignorance combined with His power is going to be more than all the Devil can muster up, that He may get all the glory!
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